
Career Development

Working with parents, helping young players to improve basketball skills and mental aspects.

Players Management

Advisory, negotiations, club communication, transfers, and general scouting support.

NBA Draft Prep

Workout facilities, formulating plans with the trainer to help players get next level.

     A11 Sports Management

is committed to providing its professional basketball clients with personalized work, contract negotiation and career management. This differential in the services provided by A11 Sports, maximizes commercialization bringing greater security to its clients and their family. The founders of A11 Sports are proud of the quality of the services provided for the benefit of their clients, as the result presented is the result of a passion in their work.
     In addition to several talented clients in the NBA, the world’s largest basketball league, A11 Sports also represents players in the world’s top basketball leagues looks like ACB, NBL, and NBB. At A11 Sports, we work tirelessly to help, guide and advise our customers to allow each one to reach their maximum potential and achieve all their goals and dreams.


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